{Happy Chinese NewYear! via weheartit}
This week has been exceptionally awesome. Got to spend some quality time with the nephew, teaching him how to stick out his cute lil' tongue. lol. And learned how to back float in my swim class. woot. And it is Chinese New Year this weekend, so I'm kind of excited cause its the year of the snake, and I'm a snake. :) After a lot of thinkingg, I decided to do a link loves post every week, to get back into the swing of blogging and share some of my fav reads with you all! <3 Love to hear some of your favorite reads too! <3
- Why is it that when you reach your twenties you feel like your friends are dropping off like flies?!.. this explains it, and makes you feel wayy better about it. Cause it sure makes me a feel a lot better.
- I always wanted to blog about bad friends, but love how they put it bluntly.
- I love my daily dose of the daily love, Mastin, always writes posts that are so relevant to me, especially the latest on change as a gradual process. Definitely a reminder that I needed that everything takes time. But will eventually get accomplished!
- Sometimes it takes the most simple statements that in turn can make an extraordinary impact on someone else!
- To put it bluntly, you just have to let go of the bad friends, you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
- Alexandra Franzen is one of my fav motivators on le internet, she shows you how to gracefully bow out of commitments only for good reason, of course.
- I can really relate to this NY Times article on shyness and defining what that is: “Shyness is fear of social judgment, a consuming worry about how people view you. Introversion is more about a preference for environments that are less stimulating".
- Loving Leo Babauto's tips on limiting the use of computer, i really have to give this 30 minute interval thing a try. Its been so difficult limiting my time and telling myself to get off the computer.
- Help people, dont interrupt them, how changing your language can make a big difference in how people feel, love this. though its in blogger/business terms, this can totally be integrated into our daily life.
- I am a big fan of Danielle La Porte, I'm currently reading her book the fire starter sessions, and I admire that she is able to take the criticisms of her book to make a point with her latest blog. And most also this is so truth:"If you’re showing up as honestly as you know how to — you’re going to annoy someone. Criticism and counter opinions are part of dynamic expression and creativity. If you’re not generating some resistance, you’re probably not fully stepping out ."
- I have been trying my best to wake up early in the morning, think 5:30 am everyday, but its not been the easiest journey, I typically wake up at 8... soo I'm definitely giving these early awakening tips a try!
Hope you enjoy the links loved, I love sharing my favorite reads from the week! <3
Have an awesome beautiful weekend too! <3 And Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrate it!
<3 Kelly
Lots of great link! Thanks for sharing. I loved Danielle LaPorte's book and her blog is very inspiring.
Everyday Inspired
Such a clever post idea! Thanks for all of the great links!
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Hi Loves!! Thank you for leaving a comment, I love reading each and everyone of them!! <3 <3