This was such a dream come true to finally see the colosseum, I have wanted to go to Italy for so long, that it just felt so unreal when I finally got there. But it was beautiful, and I enjoyed exploring Rome, Milan, Venice, Florence, & Pisa. These photos are actually from my europe trip last year, but I didn't get a chance to blog about it. And I just really really miss Europe lately, and am having major wanderlust again. <3 So here are a few of my photos from Rome. <3
{Inside the colosseum and climbing on said forbidden ruins... I'm so badass sometimes I just can't help it...haha}
{Gelato, cause when in Rome... though I actually think this was the one in Florence, and it was sooo freaking good. Grom definitely has the freshest ingredients and taste and was one of my favorite gelato places in Italy. I was particular smitten with pistachio, and tried that at the 3-4 gelateria's that we went to.}
{The glamourous dinner spread we had, I mean we're in our twenties and we was on a budget! We got our grub on at the local grocery store, definitely the best!!! Its also a great way to try local foods, without the price tag!}
{Notice, how half this photo journal is just gelato & food... and me posing with gelatos & food... lol! When taking pics with gelato, you gotta do it fast or else gelato shall melteth all over yo hands! No seriously though, I had to find a fountain to wash mah hands after this pic.. and all the other gelato pics. Your welcome for only posting one of them...though it took an effort to take all of them. :P haha. Oh and Giolitti's, hands down one of my faves too, and their whipped cream is ah-mazing. We were so lucky there wasn't a line the first time we went. Unfortunately on our last day in Rome, we wanted to get Giolitti's but the line was so ridiculous and we had to catch the train to the airport, and grabbed Grom instead. :( We shall meet again Giolitti's! <3 }

{Trevi Fountain, I loved just coming here to sit, and watch the water, and the people go by. And throwing in a million coins cause according to legend, if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain, you will definitely return to Rome! <3}
{I just had to take a picture of this... I mean com'n a pink vespa?!?.. TOO CUTE!! }
So I'm thinking of posting the rest of the photos up in a series for the next couple of weeks!! Maybe inspire some wanderlust into ya.
<3 Kelly
{Trevi Fountain, I loved just coming here to sit, and watch the water, and the people go by. And throwing in a million coins cause according to legend, if you throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain, you will definitely return to Rome! <3}
So I'm thinking of posting the rest of the photos up in a series for the next couple of weeks!! Maybe inspire some wanderlust into ya.
Have you been to Italy before?!... What were some of your favorite sights and foods?
I personally feel like my pictures don't do Italy justice, but it really does feel like home to me. Even though I don't speak the language, I just love listening to Italian, and enjoying the meals and savoring the company of good friends and good food!
Such awesome photos! We went to Italy for our honeymoon and it was amazing :)
The Other Side of Gray
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