day 20: clarity

Wow wow, already two weeks of exercising, getting in good nutrition, and personal development every morning and doing daily gratitude. I feel like I'm being revived from the inside of my body, nutrition and health wise, as well as my heart and soul learning more about how to be a better person. And focusing on bettering myself. I didn't give myself excuses, I've been doing that for a year and half, and I just choose to be better.

{I lost 4 pounds, and 3 pounds of that from fat! I can finally fit in these jeans again without any muffin top! I just... I am so happy! I am getting fit and toned! }

Before, I used to lack clarity, and everyday was really foggy, I would have congestion, headaches, super tense shoulders and etc. And now I have clarity, I feel like a fog has been lifted. Its amazing! I'm happy! And its an amazing feeling, after struggling for so long, truly.

So I typically work out with the wii, and play just dance or zumba. But I restarted the 24 Fit Program 4 days ago! I had started this program before, and completed one month, but had the europe trip, and didn't pick it up again. But I am dedicated to it, because it works core muscles, and is really simple for beginning athletes like myself. And I don't even consider myself an athlete. haha. Take a peek at a video  of it: (I can't wait to start getting to the 2nd and 3rd phase because its going to be even more challenging!)


Are you getting clear on where you want to be? Or getting the clarity to know what you want to become?

With Love,


Unknown said...

Kelly, this is great and even made me smile. I am glad that you are finding clarity and reaping the benefits. Can't wait to see more of your journey!


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