
This rainy/cloudy weather just makes me wanna cuddle in bed, and just read and journal. But this morning, we've already finished our weekly personal development book club with our friends in Taiwan! :) It's definitely a challenge, because I am so not used to speaking in chinese nor translating my personal development thoughts into chinese. Its a new challenge, but something that I'm working on overcoming.

Just wanted to share some of my sunday reads/thoughts/things I like with everyone here, some oldies and some newies.. lol!
  • Danielle literally hits it over the head AGAIN! No surprise here lol, her email insights always feed my heart what I need to hear, this time's its about authenticity. Be your REAL you! 
  • It's kind of crazy how 2015 is 3 months away from being over! Like I really can't believe it, and this is a little reminder that change is good for the soul.
  • Because when you allow yourself to say NO to things that you don't want, that don't light you up, even though it might make you look like a bitch, it opens you up to more of the YES's of life. Love Danielle! 
  • "A nice person is a 'yes' person, whereas a good person is a person who accepts their responsibility in things and moves forward and tries to constantly evolve 
    and isn't afraid to say no or challenge someone or be honest or truthful." 
    - Miranda Kerr
    • 9 habits of debt free people , love this because true freedom is not having any financial debt. I love this list, because its so true, becoming debt free doesn't just happen it takes sacrifice, time, and I know from my own experience of being debt-free at 25.
    •  Keep your expectations in check - sometimes you think something is easy, and then when you find out its not you quit. Nothing worth having is going to be "easy" in anything, having real expectations doesn't mean forgoing your dreams either.
    •  Uhh.. who doesn't love Mindy Kaling?!  Love her "guide" to  confidence  it's funny and amazing!
Hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday! I know I have spending time with fam, shopping and having a cheesecake date. ;) <3

<3 Kelly 

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